What is changing? Employees who use Microsoft Office 365 web based applications from the browser will now be prompted to use Multi-Factor Authentication every 12 hours. This includes web based office 365 applications such as; Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive.
When will this change occur? Tuesday, August 18
Why are we implementing this change?
As you all know, the security of the company and our employees is very important to us. To strengthen the security around Office 365, we have been rolling out Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
What is Multi Factor Authentication?
Multi Factor Authentication is a method in which a user is granted access to a system only after successfully presenting two pieces of evidence to confirm your identity. In this case, your Microsoft login will be one form of authentication and your PING authentication code will be the second.
What should I expect?
When logging into a web-based Office 365 service you will be prompted for your credentials and presented an MFA challenge which you must complete before you will be logged in. Going forward you should expect to go through the login process once per day when accessing web-based Office 365 services.
Do I need to do anything?
No, each of you should already have gone through the enrollment process and set up your Multi Factor Authentication process through PING, so everything is ready to go.
Will I be prompted to enter security code each time I logon?
No, this configuration change will only impact web-based services when you are not connected to the corporate network. If you are working from the Save Mart office locations or you do not use the web-based versions of Office 365 applications, you should see no change
Questions / Support?
If you have any questions or need support please reach out to the IT Service Desk at: 800-287-6583
You can find the Ping instructions for setting up your MFA on the Save Mart Hub under Collaboration Tools: https://savemartsupermarkets.sharepoint.com/it_tools/SitePages/Home.aspx